Ash Village Hall Reopens

We are pleased to report that the Hall has now re-opened and is available for hire.

From Monday 7th September we are welcoming everyone back, BUT there are restrictions and new conditions that we are asking all visitors to comply with to minimise the spread of infection.

We are, of course, following government guidelines on the use of community facilities and activities indoors and most people are now all too familiar with the requirement to wear a mask (unless exempt or have a ‘reasonable excuse’ e.g. exercise activity) and hand sanitising.

In accordance with the new government guidelines there is now an official NHS QR poster on the main noticeboard as you enter the main door of the hall. The aim is that those attending can use the QR code if they have the NHS Covid-19 app and wish to do so. However, Hirers are still required to keep records of all attendees to their sessions to comply with their own obligations under the NHS Test and Trace service.

The main changes in respect of the hall are:

limited numbers

The maximum number of persons allowed in the Hall is limited to 30. Whilst Covid-19 Secure community facilities such as AVH can host more than 6 people in total you must ensure that visitors observe the rule of 6, and maintain appropriate social distancing at all times.

Library room closed

The Library Room will remain closed and unavailable for hire at present. This is to encourage social distancing by using the larger main hall and to prevent multiple groups in the building.

We will be monitoring the situation and keeping our requirements under review.

At the time of writing, KCC have not confirmed when Ash Library will re-open as they are concentrating their efforts on the larger premises at present.

Along with many other Charities our income has been severely affected by the prolonged closure of the Hall and we anticipate a slow return to ‘normal’ levels of bookings.

To offset some of our lost revenue we have signed up to the Dover District Lotto and we hope that you will help in our fund-raising by buying tickets and spreading the news!

Tickets cost £1 per week and we receive 50% of the money from tickets sold if you choose us as your good cause. A further 10% goes to other local good causes.

Please visit our Lotto page to find out more:

If you have any queries, suggestions or have any concerns about the Hall, please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing or visiting our website

Thank you all for your continued support.

Ash Village Hall Management Committee